Wednesday, November 21, 2012

pomegranates.. and chestnuts (and a nice surprise)

I picked up some pomegranates at the local store; the real challenge is drawing the bright red seeds inside!

To my surprise I found a lone sketch of some chestnuts that my father did on October 9, 2010 on the very back sheet of the sketchbook I used today. It was likely one of the last sketches (if not THE last) he ever did; he was already very weak at that time. It was one of those contemplative moments as I thought how similar we really were in our choice of subject matter, medium, composition... With the inclusion of my daughter's earlier sketch of some gourds, this sketchbook now contains three generations of drawings. (As an added twist, the day I started using what I thought was a new pad -- October 9 this year during a trip to Banff-- is exactly 2 years since my father's sketch...  I felt like my father and I continue to have some sort of dialogue about our sketches even though he is no longer around!)

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